This beautiful box is perfect those people looking for a way to relax and manage their stress levels all day. This most is most commonly brought by busy woman for themselves, or by busy woman for other woman, often men will buy this gift bundle for their mother too. so what's in it?
*Lavender oil on your pillow or in the diffuser, add to your bath or foot soak, use as a antibacterial agent or an antiseptic agent. The most versatile and relaxing essentail oil you can find.
*Lavender roller to reduce nerves and irritation during the day, managing stress throughout the day allows a better sleep at night. An alternative to perfume, perfect for the first aid kit,
*Lavender hydrosol on your skin to hydrate and nourish.. use as a sleep mist on your pillow or as a relaxing cooling mist during the day
*Lavender pouch for your draws to keep them smelling nice and deter bugs
*Lavender sea water soap, to ground and clean you in a relaxing way
Comes in a white branded box, with tissue paper, Instructions on how to use the hydrosol are provided.
Excellent value a great choice if you're looking to seriously manage your stress and get better sleep